Re: Acoustic solutions DVD hack

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Posted by Patrick on March 07, 19103 at 04:08:19:

In Reply to: Acoustic solutions DVD hack posted by claire on February 02, 19103 at 16:17:19:

: anyone got the code to play VCD on an Acoustic Solutions DVD player. Please e-mail me. Thanks

To convert this player to Multi-Region
1. Press the Open button on your remote control to open the drive tray
2. Press the Setup button on your remote control
3. Press the Next button on your remote control
4. Press the Previous button on your remote control
5. Press the Next button on your remote control
6. Press the Previous button on your remote control
7. A code should appear on the top left hand corner of the onscreen display
8. Using the direction buttons on your remote control, change the code to VER 1 for region 1 playback, VER 2 for region 2, and so on, or VER 255 for multi-region playback
NB: You may need to use the up and down buttons to select the region option before you change it
9. You can also change the code to VER 3001 to enable parental controls, or VER 3000 to disable these controls
NB: You may need to use the up and down buttons to select the region option before you change it
10. You can also change the code to VER 4001 to disable Macrovision, or VER 4000 to enable this feature
NB: You may need to use the up and down buttons to select the region option before you change it
11. You can also change the code to VER 5001 to enable VCD playback, or VER 5000 to disable this feature
NB: You may need to use the up and down buttons to select the region option before you change it
12. Press the Setup button on your remote control

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