Re: Xenius dvd 1040

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Posted by Deo on March 28, 19104 at 07:15:15:

In Reply to: Xenius dvd 1040 posted by Sarah on January 17, 19104 at 05:21:32:

ive just tried this code and it works. seems to make the palyer region free forever... i.e., no need to re-enter the code if it is turned off.
heres the link i found it on, but ill just write it, in case the link goes down.
I bought a Xenius 3040 yesterday and the hacks for *030 models didn't work for it )-:

I found the following hack for a 2040 which also works for my 3040, so I suppose this could work for the *040 series - try this:

* Switch on the machine via the power button (NOT by the remote)
* Wait until the player display reads "no disc"
* Press 'menu'
* Press buttons 1-6-7-1-9 in order one at a time - you will then see a hidden menu
* Press 'OK' on the remote - the region code on the menu will change to a - (dash)
* Press 0 (zero) then exit

Hope this solves your problem!

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