Re: Bush AV11k VCD Hack

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Posted by Ent on January 06, 19104 at 06:30:31:

In Reply to: Re: Bush AV11k VCD Hack posted by Nigel on December 31, 19103 at 14:11:34:

: : Cheers Pal, we've just tried your hack and it worked!

: Anyone got a crack code for the "region" settings, please? Also what is VCD. Cheers Nige.

When you first get 'Ver 2' in the corner via the method described, that allows you to change the region. Ver 2 corresponds to Region 2, hence using the left arrow you can change it to Ver3 (Region3), Ver4 etc. Carry on until you get Ver255, which is multiregion.

A DVD is MPEG 2 video stored on either a 4 or 9 gb disc. VCDs on the other hand are much lower quality, using only MPEG 1 and being stored on a standard 700mb CD.

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